Staying connected to a far-away elder turns into a fulfilling project w/ the "like us, just plus" mindset.

There are challenges to living far away from the older people you love, and you may wish they lived closer, but it's no reason to feel defeated or disconnected. Instead, it's powerful to focus on all the unique opportunities you have to engage with them in meaningful ways.

In-person conversation is just one way of communicating. While it is certainly one of the most powerful ways to feel connected, there are numerous other options available to you. (And your elder doesn't have to be tech savvy for many them, either!)

To address this common circumstance, I actually spent several days interviewing people about their feelings and challenges around living far away from their elder. Thank you to everyone who shared. Based on those interviews, the following projects were born.

Project: Far Away, Connected & Fulfilled

  • When phone calls work & when they don't (coming soon!)
  • When elder is tech savvy & when they aren't (coming soon!)
  • The best idea you may have never considered... (coming soon!)