Like Us with... Exercise!

You have an opinion about exercise. You love it, dread it or something in between. You like how it makes you feel after, but sometimes have a mental block in going out to do it and often procrastinate. Maybe you enjoy walking with a friend or your dog every morning, but really dislike running. Or maybe you completely love running. Maybe you feel incredible whenever you swim. Perhaps you played sports at one point in your life and now really miss it. Perhaps just the thought of exercise makes you want to take a nap or watch Netflix. Or perhaps exercise is an integral part of your normal routine and a value you hold in life. No matter what your opinions, thoughts, feelings are...

Elders have their opinion, too. Perhaps they love it and see it as vital to their wellbeing. Maybe they live on their own and make a point to walk around their neighborhood every morning, or live at a retirement home and attend a weekly water aerobics class. Or maybe they've become less physically able over time and now find it frustrating to perform even the most basic movements. Maybe their idea of exercise is stretching. Maybe it's lifting grocery bags. Perhaps exercise brings them joy and a sense of strength, youth. Perhaps it's something they wish to do more of, or get better at. No matter what their opinions, thoughts, feelings are...

Talking with elders about exercise is incredibly interesting, and I suggest you start to. Elderly people, like us, have a lot to say about exercise. Sharing stories from the past, current routines, questions on their mind, opinions they've heard from others, lessons learned over time... All of it is interesting to talk about, and something you can easily relate on. Regardless of whether your opinions or approaches are similar or not...

Conversations about exercise can lead to many things. Maybe you learn something new. Maybe you hear a story that helps you see them in a new light. Maybe you gain a new appreciation for your younger body. Perhaps you decide to take a walk the next time you are together. They may help you, you may help them, or both. The point is to open this dialogue and see where it brings you.

For more, here's a quick video of my OWN thoughts and inspiration for how else you may want to discuss exercise:

Here is a photo of me attending a group exercise class with my Nana :) She was much happier to attend it with me by her side!